Are you ready to get Disordered Eating Informed? 

Did you know that less than half of coaches recognise the signs of disordered eating in clients?

Do you know why clients overeat?

Can you comfortably identify the signs of eating disorders?

Would you like to be more confident in helping clients work on their relationship with food?

It's time you became Disordered Eating Informed.

Elevate your knowledge, transform your clients' lives and become an industry-leading coach.

Get Disordered Eating Informed

Built by science

An evidence-based course designed to help you understand and improve your clients' eating patterns.

Become a confident coach

Packed full of client resources and activities so that you can help any client achieve their goals.

Connect with others

Build connections, ask questions and join the community of like-minded coaches driving the industry forward.

Be at the cutting edge of the fitness industry.

Combine the latest in nutrition, eating psychology and body image research to ensure you get life-long results for your clients.

This course is built on over a decade of academic research and experience with clients and patients. We build on the latest in scientific research and show you how to apply it to your clients.

Access the free trial

Ready to see what all the fuss is about?

Check out the free trial here!

Get seven day access to the course, no commitment (avoidants everywhere rejoice).


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Don't miss out.

Start becoming the coach your clients (and the industry) needs!

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A unique learning experience.

Seven in-depth modules, encompassing video lectures, real-life case studies, online quizzes, scientific research and a community of like-minded coaches.

Learn all about:

  • How disordered eating occurs
  • Why clients overeat
  • How to recognise clinical eating disorders
  • How to challenge emotional eating
  • The importance of body image
  • How to market your business without negatively impacting your clients' eating behaviours
See the full syllabus

Access the free trial

Trial Disordered Eating Informed for 7 days and see if it is the right fit for you!

Access the free trial

Evie Warren

Fitness & Wellness Coach (@evolvewithevie_)

I LOVED the course. I already had a brief knowledge, but this went so much deeper. I would 100% recommend this course!

Maya Robinson

Disordered Eating & Body Image Coach

Many coaches mention that they haven’t received enough training in spotting and supporting clients with disordered eating - this course is exactly what’s needed. Anyone who signs up will walk away with confidence in why it’s so crucial to support clients in this area, to both improve their relationship with food and prevent further harm.

Gráinne Gibson

Online Coach & PhD(c)

If you want to actually understand disordered eating habits & behaviours and overcome them - you need this course.